Discovery Preschool Education for 2-3 year olds

At this age, children make new discoveries daily. And as two- and three-year-olds begin to express their independence, our Discovery Preschool program introduces them to a world of learning, sharing, and exploring.

Everything we do is designed to prepare your child for preschool education. Here’s a sample of how, from a weekly unit we call All About Me:


Homes for Animals

All about Animals

The children will create homes and habitats for toy animals.Children will learn more about animals through books, songs, and storytelling.

Neighborhood Construction

Car Tracks

The children will construct and talk about some of the familiar spaces and places in their communities.Children will use toy vehicles and different art mediums to create wheel-track designs and patterns..

In the Garden

Digging in the Dirt

Children will pretend to be gardeners using toy garden tools, props, flowers, and plants.Children will use garden tools to dig in soil and use their senses to explore seeds, plants, and flowers.

Discover how our areas of focus give your child endless opportunities to learn and grow.

Pikolini helps your child increase language skills.
We stimulate vocabulary development by prompting imitation and repetition of words and sentences; build alphabet recognition through play with letters and writing centers; and strengthen conversation skills with group sharing and reading experiences.

Pikolini immerses your child in experiences designed to expand the mind.
We encourage investigation and problem solving; provide opportunities to practice sorting, matching and categorizing; and use blocks and math cards to teach counting, number identification, and patterning.

Pikolini helps your child experience a sense of community.
We support cooperative play; use whole- and small-group activities to model sharing, communication, and cooperation; and demonstrate how to recognize others’ feelings and respond appropriately.

Pikolini coaches your child to develop new physical abilities.
We strengthen large-motor skills with riding equipment, balls, and movement activities; improve fine-motor and eye-hand coordination through pouring, stringing, and cutting activities; develop coordination using beanbags, hula hoops, and balance beams; and help children learn to serve themselves at meal times.

Pikolini encourages your child to express individuality.
We support pretend play and role-playing with props and costumes; encourage creative expression through age-appropriate art materials; and stimulate imagination through storytelling and block-building.

Contact us

Str. Trifun Buzev NN, 1000 Skopje

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Our role is to welcome children, with their many unique gifts and needs, and provide them a strong, developmentally appropriate experience.

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